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How is Moving from ERP to Cloud Benefits you


How is Moving from ERP to Cloud Benefits you


In today’s world organizations which are using ERP were moving into Cloud. The major reason behind this is the benefits provided by cloud systems over ERP packages. Let's examine what are the major benefits this transformation gives to the users.

Cost Reduction

It is one of the major reason for ERP to Cloud Transformation. The cloud services are provided on the basis of pay-as-you-go model and thus it reduces the capital expenditure in purchase of the system. The implementation and operational costs of Cloud systems are less compared to the ERP systems. Finally the maintenance and hosting cost too.

Deployment is easy

Compared to traditional ERP systems the new Cloud systems are beneficial in terms of deployment. ERP systems takes months or often years to configure and implement. On the other side the ready frameworks of Cloud systems reduce the deployment complexity of Cloud systems.

Flexible and salable

In traditional ERP systems, to add new changes it is costly as the users need to buy software add- ons with high price. Cloud systems allows users to add new features and extensions to the existing system without much difficulty. It is highly flexible to new changes. For example The giants such as SAP and provides applications such as advanced analytics, collaboration, finance management through web - based app stores like in the case of apps.

Easy to upgrade

Cloud facilitates easy up gradations. Cloud users will get updates when the provider launch new versions without cost or much difficulty. It is the a greatest over ERP.

Integration with other systems

The major benefit of Cloud systems are it facilitates inter system integration. So in future if needed the cloud systems can operate with other systems. It will enhance more performance. Cloud based systems always deliver high performance.


The all time advantage of Cloud based systems where the facility for secure back ups. It ensures no data is being lost. The data is copied in minimum two locations. It is called redundancy plan. Better data security and mismanagement is the backbone of Cloud based systems.

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